Susan from A Southern Daydreamer is hosting Outdoor Wednesday. Please visit her for lots of outdoor fun posts! One of the things I would love to add to my garden or my porch is a fountain. Recently while in NYC we visited some antique shops in Brooklyn and I photographed this fountain outside an antique shop.
I love the base of the fountain and the circle of cherubs at the bottom!I would love to find something affordable similar to one of these in our area. I always wonder about the history of antiques...where they were and who owned them and such. If money had been no object, I would have had the fountain shipped to my front door!
Do you have a fountain in your garden? If so, I would love to hear about it! Thanks for stopping by today!
7 hours ago
What a gorgeous piece. Happy Wednesday.
Quite lovely; and all that detail...
Happy Wednesday!
I don't have one but I do enjoy looking at different kinds of fountains especially if they turn it on and water starts to flow :-) They really are beautiful pieces (the fountains)
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
What a magnificent fountain! Thanks for sharing, and Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
I don't have a fountain although I was thinking a bird bath would be a nice addition to our yard in Washington...
That antique one you took a photo of is very cool.
Happy O.W. to you!
I only have had water flowing in a fountain for two years. I admit I didn't think there was any reason...but it makes a huge difference..white noise...change of texture...not to mention...hypnotic!
I would love to have a small fountain in my front and back yard. I think the sound of water running is just sooooo soothing.
Ah, if money were no object, I'd outbid you!
How beautiful; I love the sound of water in the garden. No fountains yet, but a couple of birdbaths/pet waterers! There's a water feature, small pond with fountain on my "to do when the money is available" list.
I'm with you about that's my kind of fountain! I have a teeny fountain in my front yard...I've posted it about 3 OW's ago.
Gorgeous fountain, Diane.
We have a fountain beside the patio, at home. It has a lion head. That's for me...a Leo.
We had a fountain with a statue of a woman, on two shells, in the garden by the dining room. One of the shells cracked, so we moved it to the side garden, where we hope to plant it with annuals, if we stay at home long enough, this spring and summer!:-)
Oh Diane is that not a beauty...yes I have a fountain on my rose patio and just love it..Happy Wednesday to you dear friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I think I have the perfect spot for that! LOL! I don't have a fountain in my garden, only a birdbath. I sure would love to have one, though!
Oh I'd love to have a fountain! Even the kind that goes on the wall would be grand.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Diane! What a beautiful fountain... I would love one in my yard! Thanks for sharing your photo.~ Susan
That is a beautiful fountain! I too love the antique look and wonderment of an antique's past...where it has been, who no longer wanted it.
I have a fountain, it is a huge rock with water running across the surface and spilling into the pond. The sounds of water are so peaceful and it is a bird magnet.
Hi Diane, what a neat fountain. We don't have one at our house, but we do have 3 small ornamental ponds in our backyard that my husband built and they have a water feature. We can hear the sound of running water from our bedroom and it's just wonderful!
What a beautiful fountain Diane! I can only imagine how expensive it was.
The sound of running water is so relaxing. I hope you find a nice fountain for your garden.
Hugs, Pat
Hi Diane,
Love the fountain, i am like you i often wonder what stories antiques could tell. i do have one that belonged to my parents that I want to do a post on, but its is just thirty years old and I do enjoy it. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Diane
That fountain is beautiful. It looks lkie it would weigh a ton, funny that they have it chained down! We have a little pond from WalMart in front of our porch and it has a little fountain that makes a lovely trickling sound.
Hugs, Rhondi
Hi Diane, the fountain is beautiful and very formal. It would be a ton of money to ship it. Big smile. Yes, we have a three tiered fountain with a pineapple on top. I have posted it before. We love listening to the water but it is some trouble to keep it clean and filled with water. It is worth it though. Yes, my younger sister's name is Diane.
Happy Outdoors Wednesday.
Happy OW Diane, the fountain is stunning, I love fountains, we have a small one in our flower bed and a birdbath in another part of the garden but I want more lol. Kathy.
That's a gorgeous fountain, Diane ... There is one quite similar to it in a park in Natchez.
Hi Diane...I love fountains also! Can you just imagine the fabulous estates the antique fountains came the one you pictured...
It must have been some kind of mansion! ;- Bo
Lovely fountain!
Hey, Diane, Oh I love fountains too & got a pretty neat free one last year at a yardsale that I'll be working on this year. I must get that area landscaped & get a pump and get it going. Can't wait!
Diane, that fountain is gorgeous, and I can see by the number of heavy-duty chains that are holding it down that it must be very expensive! It would have to be worth a lot of money for someone to even think about picking up that heavy thing and stealing it! We have a waterfall that comes off the back of our pool, and the sound is so nice. I think you'd love having a fountain in your yard. In a previous house, I had a fountain, but it was not loud enough. You had to be right next to it to hear it (that's what I get for being a bargain hunter)! Good luck on your fountain search. laurie
Beautiful fountain & photo! I'd love to have one right outside my bedroom window so I could hear it gurgling before I fell asleep. Alas, The Husband does not do electrical wiring so it will remain a dream!
I love running water. And have several fountains outdoors. I'd love to have a waterfall for my small garden pond also. That fountain you saw is quite beautiful. Unusual really.
beautiful piece~
That's a pretty fountain, Diane. And yes, we have a fountain and I love the sound of the trickling water coming from it. You will see it on my header picture...Christine
It is lovely. I think running water adds so much to the garden. I have 3 fountains scattered around to soften the traffic noise near-by. ;)
That's a lovely fountain, Diane, and I would definitely encourage you to look for one you love. They make these hand pumps now that are easy to use if you have to drain it for cleaning or even in case of a freeze. You just pump it a few times, and the pump takes over and empties your fountain for you for maintenance.
We have a concrete fountain. It's base is a very large seashell on a pedestal, and in it stands a little boy who is holding another shell out of which water is pouring. It looks like he's filled it too full, and the water is cascading out of the shell he's holding. I love it. I love the sound of it, and I think it adds a nice element to our garden.
Be sure to get one that's big enough to make a statement. You won't regreat it, Diane. It took four men to get ours off the truck it was so heavy, but we have thoroughly enjoyed it.
Sheila :-)
I have a sprinkler. Does that count? :-)
My "yard" is about the size of my bathroom so no fountain for me. But I do love the!
Hi Diane, thanks for stopping by today. I did have fun doing the cook off thing. Try the cornbread it is great. Very rich.
Have a wonderful evening.
A little too grand for my wee humble cottage LOL but oh it is beautiful :)
beautiful. If were no object I would purchase it and a house grand enough to make it feel at home.
Have a happy day
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