Recently I made these pictures of Connor and Cooper at the mall on those little riding toys that you drop the coins in. I love pictures that tell a story and record an event in order.
You can see from the first picture that Cooper looked at me in shock after we had deposited the coins and the little car in which he and Connor were riding started moving. I thought at first that he was going to start crying.
They say all kids are so different...and you can see from the 'shiner' on Connor's forehead that he is 'ALL BOY'! Cooper is a little more reserved right now.....but with big brother around, that probably won't last long!In the second picture, we put him in another two seater thinking Connor would make him feel safer. Connor really wasn't too concerned about baby brother! I wonder what was going on in that little brain of his...he is looking at me like....'why are we going through this again?'
And finally, in the last shot, you can see the beginnings of a smile! He wasn't exactly laughing with delight by the end of this adventure, but you can see that he finally started enjoying himself!
Since I started blogging, I usually carry my camera with me just about everywhere. I'm so glad I had it this day so I could capture Cooper's first mall ride with pictures.
For other Family Fotos visit Deborah at Pictures Pots and Pens
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8 hours ago
Those are absolutely the cutest pictures....those big blue eyes are huge!!! CUTE, CUTE and I am so glad Cooper did start to enjoy the ride....oh, that is just adorable!!!!
How precious, Diane ... Didn't you just want to scoop Cooper up and tell him he didn't have to ride if he didn't want to
We've tried to ride a couple of carousels with Avery, but always have to get them to stop before the ride is over and let us get off. I can't say that I blame her, though. Have you ever noticed how scary the faces of the horses are on those things?
I always love your pictures of Conner and Cooper. They're so precious.
How cute, Diane...such BIG eyes!!
Have a blessed day...
Oh how adorable! He is having the time of his life!
These are pictures are so cute, Diane. Absolutely wonderful keepsake photos. Beautiful grandchildren.
I always have some sort of camera with me. It may not always be the big camera, but I most definitely keep one hand.
Great idea to capture all the moments you can with the grands...the years pass all too quickly... ;- Bo
Those pictures are priceless! The expressions on their little faces tell it all. Big brother is having a ball...little brother maybe not so much.
Precious! Look at Cooper's chubby cheeks! I love them!
..and that look on his face is priceless!
Conner is just an old pro at all this, isn't he.
Thanks for sharing your photo!
Morning, Diane! What lovely children. Look at those big ole blue eyes! What a little doll! Cooper is a cutie...what did that little boy do??
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;) Oh, I went to your daughter's blog. Fun fun
These are so cute! I remember my children ALWAYS wanting to ride those rides at the mall. By the way, I am a friend of Deborah's and I posted a Foto today.
You truly captured a moment in time--a special one at that!
First of all...those are two amazingly adorable kids!! But the face on the little one in the first picture is beyond precious! You got some great shots!
Cute little fellows! Cooper is too pretty to be a boy! He is one beauiful baby! :) ~Rhonda
To me blogging is my new scrapbook and I too carry my camera everywhere. What precious children you have!
They grow so fast. Treasure each and every day.
Those little guys are absolutely darling. Those eyes!
Such priceless photos! Cooper's eyes are so huge and beautiful! I loved how expressive they are. Grandchildren sure do bless our lives. Connor seemed ready for another rough, tough, fast boy adventure:)
I am glad you had your camera with you..they are darling boys!
Lovely photo's. My 3 children, now teens, have big blue eyes still to this day.
Thanks for sharing
Claudie from Canada
Those two are precious!!
Yes, you can see it all in Cooper's big beautiful eyes...he was wondering what in the heck was going on!?!
I love that you started carrying around a camera nowadays. I do too. I bought a little digital to keep in my if I could only remember to keep it fully charged up!
Oh, what adorable grandsons you have. Isn't life fabulous? Hope school is going okay. I am going to sub for a friend next week on Wed., Thur., & Fri. You inspired me to give it a try. Have a great weekend.
Diane those pictures are so cute!!! Cooper did looke a little unsure! I'm glad to see that start of a smile. One of these days he won't want to get off the rides and he'll keep asking to do it again...over and over!
take care,
Oh I can't even stand how adorable those photos are! Their expressions are priceless!!!! I need to take my camera with me all the time like you do ... what a great idea!
Hello Diane, the photos of Connor and Cooper are priceless. Gosh, they are beautiful children. The blue eyes are stunning. Someday you will be fighting off the girls for sure. The trip in the Mall is always fun for kids. Cooper will be begging you the next trip.
You haven't mentioned teaching. How is it going?
Have a great weekend.
Love... Jeanne
Thanks for stopping by my blog and viewing my Deviled Egg tutorial... all this talk of deviled eggs the past couple of days has really made me want some. hee hee.
Your grandchildren are beautiful and I'll be back to check out your blog again soon!
Oh girl that little dumpling is precious...those eyes and that expression on his little face...oh how sweet and lordy that shinner on big brother! lol lol Ohhhh girl...those grans are something else aren't they? Have a great weekend friend!
Cute cute photos!! Have a great weekend and enjoy those adorable kiddos!
Look at those gorgeous eyes! They are just darling Diane!
Your children are so cute!
I meant grandchildren! I am still sleeping!
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