Do you have any tips that help save time blogging? Although I really love blogging, it is hard to control the amount of time I spend doing it! My time is much more limited than it was when I first began, and I've had to try to find ways to make it less time consuming while still benefiting from it.
Here are some things that I've tried that have helped:
- I use Google Reader to keep up with the blogs I read. I tried Bloglines, and liked it, but have decided Google Reader works better for me-it seems to update more often. It took me a while to get the settings right-I like the list view, and if you click on 'All' at the top, you can use the next button at the bottom to scroll through the list. Also, if I want to comment on a post, I 'Star' it- then I know that's one that I want to revisit.
- When I find a picture or topic I want to blog about, I go ahead and create a post in draft and upload the picture if I have one. I have 21 posts in draft now, so on days when I have a hard time coming up with something, I visit 'edit posts' and browse through these posts that I've saved in draft.
- I've finally quit trying to change my layout up all the time-I've tried to find one that worked for me, and just change the header. I have spent hours on the layout before-only to lose lots of stuff! LOL
- I try to keep my posts short and sweet! That way it doesn't take too long to create a post and those that drop by won't have to spend too much time reading it!
- I try to 'chunk' my blogging time. Goggle Reader really helps with this. A few minutes here, and a few minutes there works better for me than being overwhelmed with too many blogs to read at one time or too many posts to write! I probably need to cut down on the blogs that I read, but so far I haven't done that!
If you didn't read Kelli's photo story from yesterday, you might want to check her blog at Sassy Southern Mom. I get teary eyed every time I think about that day!
And here is a new blog for you to check:
This is Connor and Cooper's other grandmother Vikki....she has started her own blog after seeing how much fun Kelli and I are having with ours. Please stop in and welcome her to blogging!
Love you all, and thanks for stopping by!
thanks for the tips, yes it is taking over for me too, I need to try Reader, I tried Bloglines but it was ridiculous...the trouble is I like to read so many blogs, I think I am naturally nosey, so blogging is perfect for someone like me! I can't stand to think I am missing out but the number of blogs I like to visit now I so am missing stuff...what did we do before the interest????
You had some helpful tips! I like to sit down with a little block of time and do like 3 to 5 post at a time. You can always change it if something comes up! I can't wait to go meet another Grammy's site ;) Thanks for passing that on!
I do bloglines and it does take a while for them to update and sometimes they seem to have issues. I haven't tried the Google Reader yet. Even getting blogs into bloglines takes time! I also start posts ahead of time. I don't know....the whole blogging thing can take a lot of time if you don't discipline yourself :-)
I never tried blog lines just stuck with google reager..didn't realize that I could star items though. Guess I have to dig a little deeper. Thanks for all the great time saving tips!
On Monday I'll be hosting a favotite products posts with Mr Linky, everyone's invited, please join in. Take Care, DebraK
Thanks for the tips, Diane! I have recently begun using google reader, too, and like it. I was excited to discover it. LOL
Good post Diane. I use google reader too. As I read each blog, when I'm through I mark it as read. That way I know I have looked at it.
Boy, I know what you mean about not having enough hours in the day to read all of these wonderful posts. Seems like I spend most of my time trying to keep up. I have never had that many drafts ready. I never have enough interesting things to say. hehehe Thanks for sharing these with us!
Morning Diane,
I don't know why this won't let me post a comment about the recipe :(. But I wanted to say the recipe looks WONDERFUL and I will be trying it!!!
Hi Diane...thanks for the time-saving tips and the potato casserole dish's getting to be that time of the year to make big, yummy food like that. ;-) Bo
Thanks for the tips. I do enjoy blogging, but I know I am spending too much time on the computer. I've have to watch out, or I don't manage to accomplish things I need to in my real life. I know, I know, I'll be okay.....
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