Sally at Smiling Sally is hosting blue Monday! Visit her for lots of blue inspiration!
I'm really having a hard time getting started taking down the Christmas decor! This picture of Cooper wearing his blue pj's was made while things were a mess while putting the tree up, Just thinking about it has me wanting to leave it up! Guess I'm really feeling 'BLUE' today! (or lazy-LOL)Do you sometimes feel a little 'let down' when it's all over? I do, but I'm also ready to be a little 'less' busy!
Today Connor and I are going to the movie with family and guess I won't get started today!
How about you-how long do you leave it all up???
Thanks for stopping by!
1 hour ago
I always leave inside decorations up until after New Year's Day. Have followed this method for many years.
It takes so long to put them up that I want to enjoy them as long as possible (without getting tacky).
If I don't get it down before New Year's Day, it will come down THAT day! Especially, since it went up soooo late this year! LOL!!!
Have fun at the movie...
I have everything but the tree down and packed up. The house looks plain. On top of that, I've got a cold, so perhaps I'm blue too. If you send me Connor, he could cheer me up in a heartbeat! Happy Blue Monday!
I like to get everything down by New Year's day at the latest. I'm hoping to start this afternoon. That picture of Cooper is just too cute-he looks like such a sweetheart! Enjoy your afternoon out!
I already have all my stuff down....except for some snowmen that I am going to try to leave out through January. Usually I take it down on the weekend closest to New Years which would have probably been next weekend but with Midnight, I was ready for it to get down! I LOVE it when it is up but it also looks so nice again with it all gone and packed away!
Thanks for visiting the Home Tour! Hope you had a chance to see the next post - the 2nd for today! It's 2008, Year In Review!!
We usually take it down after New Years...but I am ready to do it before this year! My hubby is off work for the next few days and I can use his help with taking it all down.
I am ready for "back to normal" but also feel a little sad that there will be no more CHristmas for another year :-(
What a little cutie in his blue pj's! It's different every year for us on when things go up and down :0)
Stopping by from SITS...I haven't taken anything down yet, will probably leave it up until New Year's Day. I always hate after it all comes down, the house looks so empty and plain after all the Christmas decorations are gone. It's sad that you can only enjoy them for such a short period of time.
Awwh I could just eat him up!
I took most of mine down...I usually wait till New Years also but for some reason I just couldn't get into it this year...the decorating that is not the reason!
I actually have taken out this little tree I use during Christmas but didn't this year and pulled it out to put my Valentines on it...I still need to do that but will wait till after New Years to put them on...I am looking forward to seeing crafts for Valentines.
Connor is so happy and lovely!
Have a great day, dear Diane!
What a cutie. I bet he had fun with that ribbon.
I am not let down when Christmas ends. I am, however, let down when summer ends. I spend my days looking forward to summer. I really wish Christmas was in July.
GM Diane...sorry you are feeling sad..but I know what you mean...I feel like someone pulled my plug..and I leave my tree up until New Years..That Connor is a bundle of BLUE happiness Diane whats that cabinet he sitting in front of??It looks like an old Ice box to me..You know me and antique I can spot them a mile away ha ha!! have a great day dear friend...hugs and smiles Gloria
What a cute picture! Cooper is just precious in all of that ribbon helping his grandmother! :-)
Happy Blue Monday!
Sheila :-)
How adorable! Blessings to you and your precious little ones!
We're all going through a little intestinal virus right now, so I'm not about to take anything down. I want to enjoy the pretties as long as I can.
Typically we take things down on New Year's Day anyway. I'm ready to "declutter" my house, so it will be perfect timing!
What a cutie! I take down all of my stuff too early my husband says. I guess because I decorate so early Im tired of looking at all of it. Take your time and enjoy it as long as you can!
Hi Diane...really cute header & background you've got going on... I'm puny with a cold so I still have all my Christmas out...wish I could just snap my fingers & it would pack itself... ;-) Bo
I started putting stuff away yesterday. I'm doing a little at a time so that it won't be so overwhelming.
My 20 year old daughter just mentioned that she felt "let down" after Christmas was over. She couldn't wait to get home for Christmas break and now it's almost over. I told her that it's normal and many people experience let downs after major events. I guess she's growing up huh!
Hope you and that little sweetie have a lovely time at the movies. Happy Blue Monday..may it be a great one.
Little Conner is a real cutie!
I take mine down the day after Christmas. I just like it to get back to normal. Also, it just seems to loom over my head and I know I have to do it soon so I just go ahead and tackle it so it's done. Up in the storage for another year!
I love the fact that my schedule has slowed down. :D I never finished decorating. But I do not take decorations down until after the Epiphany.
Love the blue eyes in those photos! Now that is blue, just like my daddy's eyes. Happy Blue Monday!
Looks like your cutie pie was have great fun in the ribbons!
I agree it is a sadness that comes over me when I take down all of the Christmas trimmings..Not only do I have to do it at my home, but I have to do it at my flower shop as well. Everything looks sort of naked.
Happy New Year!
We took our tree down Friday afternoon, and finished putting everything else in the attic yesterday afternoon.
I'm already in my "January-Decorating-and-Organizing Mode," and will probably do a post about it later.
P.S. ... I love your new blog look, Diane. Connor and Cooper are precious, as usual!
Hi Diane ~ I always leave the decorations up until after New Year's...sometimes later if I'm feeling!
Have fun at the movies!
Hey that header pic of the sweeties! Oh girl you are just tired..I always get excited after is like a new beginning is about to start what with New year & all...We already have all our outdoor stuff down & I juust have one more tree inside to take down..I always have mine down before the New Year! I want to wish you & yours a Happy New year dear friend..may it be filled with blessings beyond your dreams!
I leave the tree up until the needles begin to fall off in embarrassing amounts, LOL!
Oh there is that sweet baby ! And to answer your question . Christmas has left the building !! Everything is packed up and out of here ! And I am so-o-o- glad ! I sound bad don't I ? LOL.
Hi Diane
Love the little fellow. So cute.
I take everything down little by little when the mood hits.
The funny thing is going shopping after Xmas and buying new and exciting things. When I come home with these new treasures they go up so I can look at them before I put everything away till next year. Weird huh? Just like a little kid I guess.
Hubby and I just returned from the movies. We saw Benjamin Buttons with Brad Pitt. WONDERFUL MOVIE
Good Night
Claudie from Canada
Diane, I am posting late today. Our daughter arrived today with our grandsons and Tanner their new dog. he is a big cutie.
So is cooper with his Pjs and ribbon all over the place. I hate to take down Christmas and often leave it up for a few weeks after Christmas. Our other daughter will be coming and I will wait for her to see everything. Actually I don't want to take it down yet. i am still loving it, so there. smiling.
I have to put it all away before Feb as I am getting my other Knee done. Ouch!!!
It's supposed to come down?
Love that pic !
The pink house project was very interesting...I didn't know the temp housing was still being used after all this time. I like that they are using their money and celebrity for something good. I also feel a bit of the holiday let down. I just can't seem to get anything cleaned up or done...I've been a bit of a lazy slug the last week. I gotta get myself moving. And I'm behind on all my blog visits!!!
I like to wait until after Epiphany. It is still the 12 days of Christmas!
Diane, I'm just like you. I always feel a big let down when everything comes down. I haven't taken anything down yet, but I will by this weekend...then it's back to school.
take care,
What a sweet picture of Cooper! I am leaving my stuff up 'til New Years Day. I usually take the stuff down on New Year's. Hope you had a cheerful Blue Monday and you have a Happy New Year! ~ Robyn
I leave my trees up until after Jan 6th. The twelve days of Christmas Start on Christmas Day. Why end the Holiday when it is just getting started?
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