Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Feeling blue.... and a brand new blog!

Three things today: First, I am feeling a little blue today! Why? Well, I knew the day was coming and the call came Sunday! Cooper's baby sitter, Brooke, is ready to start keeping him again! I have really gotten used to him being with me all day, and miss him already. I know that I can keep him any day I want...and he'll probably still be with me a couple of days a week!

Second, I have a new blog that I would like you to visit if you have time! My daughter Kelli has started one. Her blog is Sassy Southern Mom. She only has 3 posts, but will be so happy if you can stop by and see her. You will recognize the 2 faces in her header if you have been keeping up with me!

She posted a recipe last night just for any new visitors.

I am happy that she is doing this. I think blogging has been a positive experience for me. I know with working, and taking care of her family, she won't be able to spend as much time doing this as I have, but I know of one visitor she will have daily! LOL

And finally, I still haven't gotten all my blog links back from yesterday when I lost them all...so if yours is missing...just let me know. I was trying to get a different color besides pink on the edges....and I've been partly successful! But in the process, lots of stuff went wrong! Guess I need to purchase the copy of Blogging for Dummies!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day,


Gone said...

LOVE IT, Diane!!!

Have a blessed day...


ps...say a little prayer...cuz my arms are getting tired painting!! LOL!!

Southern Lady said...

Diane, I love your new blog layout. I've played with a three-column template, but never really achieved the look I wanted. Yours has inspired me to try again.

I can sympathize with you about missing Connor. I keep Avery several days in a row sometimes and when she goes home, it's like I'm missing my shadow ... and it's sooooooo quiet.

I'm going to go visit Kelli's blog now. Hope your day is a good one.



Mya said...

Love the new header so cheery. I understand about the blue thing those little buggers are a lot of work but so worth it. I think my link get terminated. I don't see my on your list.

Anonymous said...

Morning Diane! I'm sorry you are a little down today! It's like having to let go of your kids all over again I imagine. But you are always grandma and I'm sure Cooper will miss you as much as you miss him! I'll definitely visit your daughter today and encourage her like I was in the beginning. I'm sure she will become addicted like the rest of us!!!lol I know what you mean about changing things I almost lost my entire blog when putting the background and trying to make it more interesting so I am afraid to try other things I have in mind (for now anyway!) But I love your new look again, very cheerful!!! Keep busy today so you miss Cooper a little less! Sincerely, Jeannette

Sarah Taylor said...

Your new layout looks great! I'm heading over to visit Kelli now! Hope you have a great day!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Love your new lay-out! I played around with mine, a few weeks ago, but got scared and opted to just do another layout provided by google! LOL! I thought the other header was great, but I love this one too! Very pretty!

I'm off to see your daughter's blog! What a nice welcome you gave her! :)

Hugs, Rhonda

Dawn said...

Diane you are braver than I! I keep thinking about changing my blog layout but I am too chicken!! I like yours. :)

I'm sorry you'll be missing Cooper. I'm sure an occasional day during the week will make you feel better.

I visited Kelli's blog. It looks like she is off to a good start!

take care,

Kim's Treasures said...

Sorry you're feeling blue today! I think I would feel the same way! I'm sure he'll miss you too but fortunately for both of you...you can have him a couple times a week!
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Diane, your blog is looking good. I've been making a few very subtle changes, but I like what you have been doing.

I'm off to visit your daughter.

Anonymous said...

Diane, I took care of my grandson when he was an infant and I was totally in love with him. To this day he always loves me a little more than the rest. I don't think he even knows why. He is eleven now. I feel for your sense of loss today.

I admire you for changing your blog layout. My friend, Beverly, How Sweet the Sound, did my whole setup for me. She was going to get me blogging or else.:) I am so glad she did. Ask her for help, she knows so much. In fact she still helps me sometimes. Like putting awards on the side bar???

Thank you for all of your visits and comments while I was so busy. I am trying to catch up today and I have a long way to go.

I am going to visit Kelli's post next. How fun to have your daughter blogging. It can be very interesting and rewarding.

Love and blessings, Jeanne

Darlene said...

Your blog looks great....I went and visited your daughter's. Great recipe...can't wait to try it!!

Barb said...

Hi Diane,

Your new blog look is marvelous. You should be proud of yourself, you did a great job!

I will visit your daughter and add a link to her.


The Berry's Patch said...

Hi Diane,

I played around with my blog a few weeks ago and wiped out my hit counter. I was sad for a few days cuz it said "0" people had visited me. Silly me.

I'm glad I'm back on your blog roll. I was worried!

Kelli said...

I love your new look, Diane! I will be sure to visit your daughter...she has a great name. ;0)

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog today. Aren't grandchildren just the best thing on earth?

I enjoy collecting antiques too but I'm not nearly as successful at garage sales as you.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Diane!

I haven't attempted a layout change for ages .... hearing you lost things has made me more afraid to try! I like your new look though.

Awww...belive me I know how you feel about missing Cooper! I will be a "long distance" grandmother as my grandbaby will be in Colorado and I'll be in NY! :-( I wish we all lived closer so I'd be able to spend time with the baby when he's born.

I'll go visit Kelli's blog now and welcome her to Blogging!

Hugs, Pat

Kelli@SassySouthernMom said...

I like your new header? Am I calling it the right thing? Don't know if I am. Anyway, I like the butterflies and flowers at the top. I tried to change mine with no success at all. I need help please....kelli

Kelli@SassySouthernMom said...

I like your new header? Am I calling it the right thing? Don't know if I am. Anyway, I like the butterflies and flowers at the top. I tried to change mine with no success at all. I need help please....kelli

Joy said...

My daughter has her own blog too, and I'm so glad that she does because that's how I keep up with all that she's doing now that she lives far away.
Good luck to you and to your daughter.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Diane, I love your new layout, makes me want to change mine. So Sorry you are feeling blue, but you will ENJOY whatever time you get with Cooper :) I need that book for blogging dummies too! I have the hardest time, you wouldn't believe! I am hopping right over to see your daughters blog. Many Blessings to you, Nancy

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Diane, I love your new layout, makes me want to change mine. So Sorry you are feeling blue, but you will ENJOY whatever time you get with Cooper :) I need that book for blogging dummies too! I have the hardest time, you wouldn't believe! I am hopping right over to see your daughters blog. Many Blessings to you, Nancy

Michele said...

Hi Diane...I'm sorry you're blue today...

Love the new blog look...I'd love to be added to your blogroll when you fix it!!!

Michele...aka...country vintage

Anonymous said...

love the header, sorry you are feeling blue, I'm just going back to admire your yard sale finds