Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pink Sat, a talk with myself, and a watering can

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound is hosting Pink Saturday. Since I've been participating in this, I am always looking for something pink to photograph and write about...and I'm always looking for something for my screen porch.
I found this pink watering can at Tuesday Morning. So I bought it and killed two birds with one stone as the old saying goes!

I didn't buy it at first. Have you ever seen something, not bought it, then went back later and bought it? That's exactly what I did. I had a conversation with myself about the watering can. It went something like this:
  • you're only buying this because it's pink
  • well, it really is cute and would look cute on the porch
  • well, why don't you just think about it, and come back
  • if it's not there when you go back, it's not meant to be
  • oh, there it is...guess you should treat yourself to it!
When my daughter saw it, I thought she would say something about how cute it was. I wasn't sure if she liked it or not. She just looked at it and said.."but you really don't like purses that much do you?"
So, whether she likes it, you like it, or anyone likes's mine now and happily perched on a table on the screened porch. The only thing that is important is that I like it! Right?
Hope everyone has a happy Pink Saturday! And, go out and buy yourself something pink.
Thanks Beverly for all your effort!


Gone said...

How cute, Diane! Happy Pink Saturday to you, too!!


Dawn said...

I love that watering can...and I'm not a fan of purses :) I would have bought that can even if it didn't hold water LOL!

I always have those conversations with myself. The hardest part is if you have the conversation and allow yourself to buy it and you go back and find it gone.

Nice purchase.

take care,

Beverly said...

Diane, I 100% agree with your method of rationalization.

It's a watering can, it's a purse, it's pink, it's pretty, and you wanted it. I believe that covers all of the requirements.

Happy Pink Saturday!!!

A Hint of Home said...

That is so true! I have done the same thing, talk to myself, leave the store and return later. The can is too cute.

Mya said...

That is so funny. Yes I have done that so many times. I will think about what I didn't buy until I go back and get it or it drives me crazy. I think it is adorable.

Picket said...

Oh how unique!!!! I ove it and I am not a 'pink' person! lol (all though Beverly keeps telling me I have more pink than I think! lol) I loved the post on rescued plants and the black pots and the end results were beautiful! Have a great weekend girl!

Anonymous said...

I love your pink watering can, too! I love impulse buying. My first hunch about something is almost always the right one and I almost ALWAYS regret it when I pass something up I had a "hunch" on! Very good selection!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Michele said...

I love that pink watering can Diane! It's adorable! I do that all the time..walk by something...then talk myself (not outloud..well maybe alittle!) into buying it!


Anonymous said...

Diane, a pink watering can, I adore it. I have watering cans and I am always using my juice container to water my plants. Now I know why. I wasn't motivated to use just any watering can. I need a pink purse watering can. Smile! Good for you for buying something that caught your eye and the pinkness of it didn't hurt.

Think pink, Jeanne

vintage girl at heart said...

This is adorable.. I would have had to go back too!!! I thought it WAS a purse at first glance!!!
Cute cute!!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Love your watering can! How cute! Your flower rescue below was quite a success! The containers look wonderful!

Hugs, Rhonda :)

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello Diane!

LOVE your PINK watering can! It is adorable!

Happy PINK Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Hi Diane! This is the cutest thing! I've never seen anything like it and it looks marvelous on your porch! Pop over to see me - this is my first Pink Saturday and it was so much fun.
Be a pink sweetie today,
Shelia :)

Marina Capano said...

Happy pink saturday!

I love your pink post! Visit me anytime..

Nancy Rosalina said...

Diane, I love it!! I have the same conversations with Nancy


That is a GREAT watering can!

Anonymous said...


I'm glad you bought it. It's very cute and you can always use a watering can.

Brandee :-)

Joanne Kennedy said...

Well, I like it. I think it's darling and I'm happy you got it. If it makes you smile then it was worth every penny you paid.


Anonymous said...

Hi Diane! I absolutely love it! It is quirky which I always like. Sometimes daughters just don't get it. I have had that same conversation many times on a daily basis and have wasted time and gas going back to get something! Enjoy it, Jeannette

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane, Thanks for visiting my blog, it was nice to meet you, Picket (my sister) added your link along with a few others to get me startd, hope you don't mind, love the Pink Saturday & the show-n-tell saturday, I 'm going to check into those , I posted the other day on Jan's place to join the tea party, still figuring out a lot on this blogspot as there are many more options than the one I'm closing out LOL

Anonymous said...

oops !spelled my name wrong LOL ...Nanna's Place

Cami said...

Good Tuesday Morning find! So cute!

Anonymous said...

OH WOW! I'm so excited! My first Award! :) Smiling!! LOL I will post it tomorrow...Thanks A BUNCH! You have been to so many places...Wonderful places. That is great! Hope you all will have fun in Orlando~! Love all your ? you answered. It's was pleasure to know you more! Oh....I do the same things about buying something...I LOL because it sound just like me. Love..Love the purse watering can...It's so CUTE! I also love your birdhouse...I collect different birdhouses. Love your "Pink Saturday" and "Show and Tell" You have a Sensational Sunday! :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It's so cute Diane! I love the shape and it looks big enough to hold a good anmount aof water so it's functional.

I often have "talks" with myself about buying things also!

Hugs, Pat

Margie said...

I love it! I think it is so adorable, and I would love to have one for MY screened in deck! In fact, I know a few people who would love to receive one of those for a gift, I just may do some Christmas shopping early! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Anonymous said...

love the watering can! i do that too, if it there when i go back, then i was meant to have it--sometimes my husband doesn't agree-ha,ha. have a great pink week!