Sunday, August 17, 2008


I just want to thank each and every one of you for all your comments and encouragement that you gave me on last Thursday's post about the time spent blogging. I think that was the first post I've done where the comments were so passionate!

I had no idea so many of you felt the same way I did. Many of you have questioned your own blogging time, but were also very quick to point out the benefits you've experienced from blogging. They were many of the same benefits that I've gotten from this new hobby. I read every one of your comments and even printed them off!

You helped me get past doubting the time spent on my own and other blogs.
I know my life has been enriched by the blogging and I plan to continue.

Now for the changes! Tomorrow I am going back to work. I will be working as a long term substitue for a young mother pregnant with twins. She has been put on bed rest and will not be back til after Christmas! I will be doing interventions and working with 3 or less children at a time. The regular intervention teacher is going to work in kindergarten for the young mom.

In Mississippi, you can still get your retirement and work as long as you work one day less than a semester. I wasn't really looking for this job...they asked me...and the money will help pay for some traveling my husband and I are want to do such as the trip we want to take to New York and an Alaskan Cruise! And the job will be low stress, so I hated to pass up the opportunity.

So...if I don't post everyday, please understand. I have lots of posts in draft and don't think I'll have a hard time finishing them. But, I may not be able to visit blogs and comment as much as I used to! It won't be because I don't want to, just time may not allow it! Hopefully, everyone will understand! Please don't forget me....I'll still be around!
Hope you have a great day, and thanks for stopping by,


Darlene said...

We won't forget sounds like a great opportunity to save up some money for those fabulous trips.

I hope all goes well with the young mother and her twins and she can get past the problems in her pregnancy.

I'll still look forward to your posts and I'll be here commenting

Gone said...

Changes...oh my, sounds like you're gonna have many changes.

How could we forget you?!? We'll be here, enjoying your posts and commenting and when you're able, we know you'll be "peeking" and commenting, too!


Southern Lady said...

Oh, Diane ... I am going to miss you! I always look forward to visiting your blog first thing in the mornings and appreciate the sweet notes you send me almost every day.

I had a lot going on the day you posted your blogging post and we've had company for the weekend, so I haven't had time to comment yet, but it's a timely subject for me and I hope to comment later today.

I hope you enjoy your new job ... it sounds perfect for you and I hope you will share some stories about it with us.



Blogger said...

You'll be missed!!! But wow, those are some nice trips you have planned there, that's awesome :)

I'll still be here:)


Picket said...

Oh girl I will miss you but I'm excited for you about the trips..ohhhh the pics we will get to see from that! lol I do hope all goes well with the young mother..I have always loved your blog post and I will still be coming by and checking on you..Have a great day sweetie!

Dawn said...

That sounds like a good opportunity for you. I have a friend who went on an Alaskan cruise and just loved it. She wants to go back again!!

I wish you well. I hope every thing goes well for the teacher who is having those babies.

I know how you feel. When I start back at school my blogging time will certainly be cut back.

Stop by when you get a chance!

take care,

Tootsie said...

will be here waiting with bells on! good luck at work!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Congratulations on your long-term subbing job! Sounds great! -Julia :-)

Anonymous said...

The sub job sounds wonderful! Will miss you!


bloggin' Chrystal said...

Enjoy your new teaching experience and have fun! Bring some cute experiences back to share on your blog! You'll find inspiration everywhere you look. I found mine for teaching in my own front yard.
fellow blogger and teacher,

Anonymous said...

What a great new challenge! You will get to help kids and then be able to travel with your husband. I can't think of a better reason to make a change.

I'm just getting to feel like I know you but I'm sure we'll keep in touch.


Linda said...

It's wonderful that this opportunity has been presented to you. Good luck with it!

Anonymous said...

I think it's hard to get forgotten here in Blog Land if you have Google Reader! Cause when you post, up you come to the forefront! Like magic. So do your thing and we'll still be hanging around the Blog Land equivalent of "the pub!"

Anonymous said...

Diane, I think it is wonderful to have an opportunity for such a nice job. Enjoy it and go to Alaska or any where else you want to visit. When we get a comment from you, we will know you found time to say hello and be glad. I am sure no one will forget you. (speaking for myself it's a promise). Look how many times this past month I have been so busy I couldn't visit as much as I wanted too. That's life, and we should realize we have a life beyond blogging.

Enjoy your job and say hello when you can.

Love, Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stoppin by and leaving a sweet comments. I will not forget you. It's sound like a wonderful opportunity to teach again. I will be stopping by. You have a wonderful week. Smiles and Hugs

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stoppin by and leaving a sweet comments. I will not forget you. It's sound like a wonderful opportunity to teach again. I will be stopping by. You have a wonderful week. Smiles and Hugs

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Good luck to you as you begin your "new" job tomorrow.

nikkicrumpet said...

What fun...nothing like the challenge of a new job. And I'm sure they are very lucky to get you!!!

Anonymous said...

oh yes what better reason to work that to save up for some travel...gotta be worth it!

I've been celebrating my birthday and ya know keeping up with the family the last few days, so I'm reading back with interest the blogging post and everyone's comments. You know I think that reading a blog is about a million times better than sitting at the tv, I bet the person who commented on how you spend your time wouldn't think twice about sitting in front of the tv all night lol! people are so rude sometimes...

oh and the storage cubes is a once piece from IKEA, great to stuff things in baskets and put in there!



The Beauty Bargainista said...

Well, congrats on the job opportunity! These times are what I like to call a God Kiss! When he gives you just the opportunity that you need, not one you asked for. Very special in deed! And I am so glad you decided to keep blogging. I love seeing your smiling face on my comments over on my blog everyday! Your picture is DEFINATLY worth 1000 words!!

The Berry's Patch said...

Hi Diane,

Good luck with your new job tomorrow. We'll miss you! We could never forget you!

Brandee :-)

Karin said...

Blogging reminds me of the skating rink when I was in 6th grade. I would rather have died than miss a Saturday afternoon there because I might MISS something. My mom told me that if I went just every so often, I would be much more interesting and have much more fun. She was always right, my mom.

I think you'll enjoy your hiatus, and when you come back, you'll have so much to share!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I've been behind on blogging this week...and am laughing that I'm reading about the time we spend on blogs...As I sit here typing at 2:00 a.m. ;-) But these past two hours (yikes!) catching up on blogs has been way more fun and rewarding than the 9 hours I spent behind my desk at work today. I recently only half-jokingly posted that I should start a work blog so the people I work with would be as nice to me as the people I blog with are. :-)

Let me know when you come to NY! And good luck going back-to-school.