Even though we are about 2 and 1/2 hours from the Mississippi Gulf Coast, we felt the effects of Katrina. We had many trees down, and 100 mile per hour winds at times plus LOTS of rain.
Since the anniversary of Katrina is today, I want to show you the damage we had to our home. We were adding on the screened porch at the time, and the roof material was in the backyard waiting for the roofers. The night before the storm, our contractor was here until about 10 pm trying to lay tarps and secure the roof to prevent leaking. The winds and rain from Katrina were too intense and his efforts didn't do any good.
During the storm, which lasted all day and into the night, we discovered the roof leaking in the dining area which was right next to the new porch addition. These pictures show our dining room after the ceiling in the dining room just couldn't take any more of the rain.You can see the garbage cans scattered throughout the room...we tried most of the night to contain the water...but finally gave up around midnight. We had no power and we could tell that we were fighting a losing battle! Our hardwood floors were only a few months old when Katrina came through. They still bear some scars from Katrina, but after cleaning them up we decided to postpone replacing them. Our total damage throughout our home was around $13,000 which our insurance paid within days! I know we were so blessed after hearing the stories many people went through with their insurance companies.
There were so many people effected by this storm. My cousin lost her home, and found out about it on CNN while watching a news broadcast that surveyed the damage from her mom's home in Jackson.
At first, we were not aware of the magnitude of the storm and the damage it had caused because we had no electricity for 6 days. When we finally did get power, the pictures on TV of the devastation were heartbreaking!
On another note, not all of our memories of the storm are terrible. These little orange crocs of Connor's remind me of a funny story. I have searched my computer files for a picture of Connor wearing the orange crocs, but can't find one...so you'll just have to use your imagination!
I had bought him a pair of orange crocs a few weeks before the storm and he was so proud of them. Actually, the pair in the picture is his second pair- the first ones were much smaller. He stayed with me in the days after the storm since we were out of school and his nursery was closed. He was only 3 at the time, and each day we would go to the mall since the power was off and it was so hot. We would eat lunch and he played on the playground at the mall. One day I looked up and Connor was crying and having a fit trying to take orange crocs off this little boy who was on the playground. He thought the little guy was wearing his shoes! I had his pair in my purse since he flung them off when we got there. I love to tell him this story and wish I had taken pictures of it. I won't get rid of these orange crocs-they remind me of the story!
I know this has been long and rambling...but I hope we don't have to go through another Katrina for a long time! I don't know if the Mississippi Gulf Coast and New Orleans can make it through that much devastation again! If you want to check on Gustav, which may be headed this way, click here. It looks as if the people of New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast will be evacuating instead of attending services to remember those that died in Katrina.
For other Show and Tell posts be sure to visit Kelli at There's No Place Like Home.
Thanks Kelli for hosting this!
3 hours ago
It is so heartbreaking to see and remember what so many lost to Katrina. I love the fact you had a bright spot, an orange one at that, to remember during those oh so stressful days. ;-) Bo
Wow. It is hard to imagine that
kind of devastation.
We actually helped a family that came to our town and lived next door to us for a few months till they were allowed back.
They were really nice to get to know.
I've been through a couple of hurricanes - or typhoons as they called them in the Western Pacific - and I know the dreadful devastation they bring. I am so glad your insurance company was so prompt and how fortunate you are to have a little ray of sunshine - the orange Crocs tale - to look back on with a smile.
Hi Diane,
What a terrible mess. Praying that another Katrina never hits the mainland of the US!
About your finds in another post: I'm going bargain hunting with YOU, girl! What fun stuff and what great prices!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on the coleus pics.
Diane from Diane's Musings
....and the real sad part is, Gustav is on it's way toward y'all again. I live in the Coastal Bend of Texas and I am keeping an eye on him AND Hanna too...she seems to have taken a turn in projected path and could end up in the Gulf also!!
What destruction...this is a great remembrance...and still a sad one too.
My show n tell is all about baskets this week. I do hope you can find time to stop by! Happy weekend to you.
Oh, what a mess you had. We lost power for a week after a hurricane once. It wasn't fun! I've never had damage to my home.
To change the subject a bit. We say that our K is like first grade now too! Good luck with the handwriting.
take care,
Oh Diane, I remember that well. My cousin is a CSI in St. Tamny Parish. We were so worried for him. He got his family up here and then to TN with his parents. It was a mess.
Oh, Diane, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of the awfulness of Katrina! I can't imagine. We're hunkering down a bit right now on the Texas Gulf Coast not knowing exactly where Gustav will come. Looks like for sure he's headed you way! Please be safe. If he heads this way ~ we're out of here!
Oh, how cute that story if of the orange crocs!! I can just see the battle going on!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
What a terrible time you went through. I have friends in Jackson, MS who went to the mall quite a often to escape the heat. I'm praying that no more storms come your way!
The crocs story is a cute one!
I am so sorry that happened to yall and your house and am praying for all of you in that area with the new hurricane.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that, it's just devastating to see so much damage.
That is just awful. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I am praying all the new storms stay away!
I'm glad you and your family was okay....You are right about that I don't know if we can go through this again...but then our Lord will be with us by our side. We will be strong through him....I introduce your blog to visit you on "Show and Tell" My prayers with be with you and yours be with mine. You have a Fantastic Friday1 Kathy
I'm sorry that happened to you, but so happy you are all safe and in the same home.
Gotta love those Crocs!
It is just so hard to imagine that kind of devestation...I know we all saw all of the pictures but to actually be in all of that....I just can't imagine. I bet y'all were sick with the roof coming down all over your new floors. If Gustav hits your area stay safe!
That croc story is just too cute!
Oh, Diane,
What a devastating time that must have been for you, for your family and sister's family. I can't even imagine and pray that there never will be a repeat of Katrina and Gustav will weaken quickly. Our prayers are with all in that region. Thanks for sharing the cute story about Connor...it made me smile. I can just imagine his face at the thought some one else was wearing HIS his new crocs;)
Hugs and thanks for all your comments!
I am glad that things have gotten back to normal. The picture of the chandelier so close to the damaged ceiling is scarey! I hope you didn't lose it.
I am watching this storm also. My son and his family live in Louisiana. They stayed with us for three weeks after Katrina because they had no power. Things are not looking good for the gulf coast right now.
Oh wow Diane, even tough the hurricane was not close to you it still did so much damage! I'm glad your insurnace company was so responsive.
I always worry about hurricanes coming up the coast to us here in NY as we haven't had a bad one since the 30's.
The orange shoes story is so cute!
Have a great Labor Day weekend.
Hugs, Pat
PS: Hope that this storm weakens and does no damage! I'm praying for the safety of all.
Hi Diane
Just like 9-11, I watched the devastation and cried. All I could do besides donate clothes was watch the TV in horror.
I''m sorry your family had to go through it. As a bystander I can't imagine what it would have been like to actually be there.
I love that story about the crocs LOL
I'm sorry for your damage, I'm praying for EVERYONE's safety during this hurricane season. (the croc story is soo funny) God bless!
I'm so glad that you ended your post with the humorous story about the orange crocs! The damage and devastation is heart breaking, but your resilience ans sense of humor is inspiring.
How awful! I am glad you were able to mend your home and that insurance was so quick to help. The orange croc story was funny -- what a sweet memory.
UGH....that must have been so overwhelming. I can't imagine losing things you've worked so hard for like the people in that area. I can't even imagine how that must feel. Have a fab Friday!
This must have been a terrible experience for you. I hope and pray that Gustav weekens for everyones sake.
Keep safe and have a good weekend.
Oh wow...I am speechless. What a horrible thing you've had to endure. I am praying that a storm like that never hits again!
Just wondered onto your blog...so inspiring!
I can't even imagine how you felt and how lucky you were not to have had even more damage than you did. You must really have been devastated!...so much work to do to rebuild again. Hopefully Gustov will not come and cause you any harm.
I love the story of the orange crocs. I CAN just imagine the poor little guy upset about his shoes..*lol*. So cute.
Come on by to my site. I'm having a Trivia Friday and everyone gets a chance to win! Sharpen your pencil...*s*..
Have a lovely day.
I am so happy you're okay. :SIGH: So very scary. And then Gustav. DH is a meteorologist and he's been so busy. We're in the heart of TX so we should be okay. Hang in there. Sending HUGS!
I don't think any of us will ever forget that. Many of the evacuees came here. I went through my garage and took what I could spare to the shelters for them. Fans and things like that. It was so hard watching the buses filled with them roll through town. Such a sad time. Let's hope this season is a mild one. Seeing your home with such damage must have been devastating...
I remember staying glued to the TV for weeks, watching the devastation of Katrina. My heart just goes out to you and all the ones who suffered from that storm. In NC, we are in hurricane alley too, but have been fortunate the last few years.
Cute story about Connor and his orange crocs!
Happy Labor Day! ~RHonda :)
It is amazing that you have a wonderful story about the orange crocs, considering the state of you dining room. The human spirit is remarkably resilient!
Strange thing, the radio and tv station here in New Orleans hardly have time to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of Katrina today. It looks like evacuations will start in earnest tomorrow for our expected tropical visitor, Gustav.
They have already said the main highway will be turned into contraflow on Sunday morning-- meaning all of the lane will be turned into lane leading away from the city.
Wow, I can't believe the mess and you weren't even in the thick of it. Just heartbreaking.
I am praying that you all will come through without any problems. Hopefully Gustav will be kinder than Katrina.
Hi Diane,
Katrina was so devastating. I'm so glad you and your family stayed safe. That story of Connor is darling. Every time I see orange croc's I'll think of him. :-)
Hi Diane, It's so good that you remember the day about the orange shoes...I am keeping you all in my prayers...Gustav looks like he is own his way. I couldn't imagine!!! Be Safe!! Nancy
Diane- pictures of Katrina damage still gives me goosebumps. I'm horrified to think that the Gulf Coast may suffer again due to another hurricane! I hope there is some kind of miracle that Gustav goes down in the history books as just a big old nothing. You are in my thoughts!
CUTE Croc's story. lol :o)
My goodness. What a nightmare. We were living in Florida and watched the whole storm on Fox News. We were glued to the tv. We are now just an hour north of the coast and hopefully that is tucked enough inland for Gustav. I am a California girl, so this will be my first hurricane. We don't live too far from each other!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Oh my goodness, it looks like a lot of damage. It was a heartbreaking time for all of us watching the news coverage too.
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