All the rain we are getting this weekend and the weather reports on Hurricane Fay have brought back lots of memories of Katrina...the storm that changed the Mississippi Gulf Coast and New Orleans forever. Who can ever forget the pictures we all saw in the weeks following the storm? Here are some that I had saved on my computer and used with a weather unit when I taught 2nd grade: (some are of New Orleans but most are on the Mississippi Gulf Coast) Even though we are about 2 and 1/2 hours inland from the coast and 3 and 1/2 hours from New Orleans, we remember Katrina as the worst hurricane we have experienced. On Friday which will be the anniversary, I'll post some pictures of the damage we had to our home.....which was so small compared to so many other people. And I'll write about a couple of our personal experiences.
I'm thankful that Fay has been downgraded and is no longer a hurricane. Fay won't be remembered the way Katrina has been, but she is still making a name for herself around these least for this weekend.
It rained all day yesterday the power blinked more than once and finally was off for a couple of hours. The wind has been a little gusty and has blown over a couple of plant stands on the porch. And the weatherman is predicting rain all day today. I think it may be a good day to read a good book, and do a little blogging!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
3 hours ago
I'm glad that Fay is winding down. Katrina was just so devastating!!! I remember two hurricanes here and the magnitude was nothing like Katrina.
We could use some of the rain! I guess that is coming our way.
I hope you get to enjoy your day reading and blogging.
take care,
Oh yes, I remember that one! I have a friend in Jackson, MS and another friend in New Orleans, LA. I was sooo worried about them, but both were find. The Jackson friend lost electricity for one week and the New Orleans friend had some minor damage to her home and was displaced for a week.
Yes, it sounds like a good day to read and blog when it is raining away outside. Glad Fay is coming to an end and those pics you posted bring back so many memories of the devestation of Katrina. If you weren't in that area it was so hard to imagine that kind of damage everywhere. Have a great, relaxing Sunday.
OMG!!! Those pictures are unbelievable. It is hard to imagine that so much damage occurred from a storm. And so far from the coast also. I'm sure your glad that Fay is over and one with and wasn't nearly as bad. Being really far from the coast, we don't have that to worry about but we do have the tornado season here and that is worrisome enough.
On another note, the paint that I used for the grout it called Folkart Outdoor Opaque paint. I used the linen color and the coverage is amazing. My husband was quite surprised by the results. Hope this works for you. Warning though, it is tedious work, but well worth it.
Have a great day.
I'm so glad that Fay is almost GONE. Sorry she knocked your power out...hopefully it won't get worse than that for you.
Those pictures of NO and Mississippi still give me chills!
I hope everyone and everything continues to be safe in your part of the country.
Take care and enjoy your book.
Morning hasn't gotten bad here just getting some much needed rain..power was off for a couple of hours before daylight and leaves blowed all over the yard...but that is nothing! Anytime I see the devastion of a storm I just cry...until you have lived thru one you just can't imagine the impact it has on you emotionally, physically...and mentally. I loved the pics of your looks like a great play for those little ones to learn and have their little minds grow...I want to thank you so much for the prayers and encouragement my friend...I am so thankful to say I am back to my old self now...You take care and have a beautiful Sunday!
So glad that Fay has calmed down. And glad that you guys in that part of the country are safe and sound. Those pictures are just to awful to even comprehend.
I will never forget Katrina either. I think many more people were affected by it than most realize. I recall having 30 extra people and 8 extra pets at my 1750 sq. ft. home. Thanks for the reminder of how blessed we are that Fay is not threatening us.
I will never forget Katrina and I live in Michigan. The footage was so heartbreaking. I remember telling my husband that at least 10,000 people must be dead....and I swear the numbers have never come out, you never hear anything about it. Just so sad.
I am glad that Fay is not being too bad to you, just annoying, I guess? Hope she blows over soon :)
How one forgets. I do recall here in Tyler all the folks coming in on buses to find a place to stay. So sad. It is good to remind us of how much we have to be grateful for. Hope Fay winds down soon!
Hi Diane, oh I remember the horrible pictures I saw of Katrina! Such a sad time. I'm glad Fay is over and you're safe!
You've been changing your blog! It looks awesome!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Diane,
I'm glad Fay wasn't anything like Katrina. That was such a sad time.
I hope your enjoying the rainy days and reading a great book!
Brandee :-)
Ohhhhhh! It's just give me chill! It's bring a lots of memories. It was awful...I felt like we were in the war zone. This memories will always be with us...Diane. I hope we will never have to experience it again. You have a wonderful week...try to stay dry... :) Kathy
I'm so glad fay didn't turn out to hav ehigh winds but teh heavy rainfall sure did cause problems fro amny didn't it?
Katrina was devastating wasn't it? I hope thsi hurricane season won't bringa nother one like that!
Hugs, Pat
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