Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pink at the Zoo

Pink little toes........

Pink little cheeks.....................

Pink little birds..............

All pictures were made with my first digital camera 5 years ago at the Birmingham zoo. The baby is Connor. I can't believe how much he has grown! Looking at these pictures reminds me of how much life changes. Connor started school this week, I have a new digital camera, and a new baby grandson to take to the zoo!

For more Pink Saturday posts visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.

Happy Pink Saturday everyone, and thanks for stopping by!


Gone said... precious!

Happy PINK Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Such fun pink pictures, Diane. Happy Pink Saturday.

Life does move along at quite a fast pace, but at least we have our loved ones to journey with us.

bj said...

This is the BESTEST kind of PINK !!
Happy Pink Saturday

Lochlanina said...

Sweet round-headed baby. Happy Pink Saturday.

Dawn said...

What cute pictures! I'll go to the zoo with you LOL! I can tell you are missing your time with Connor. It's funny how they all grow up isn't it.

take care,

Rue said...

Good morning Diane :)

Awwwww..... Don't you just miss his litleness?? I sure miss mine at that age. Cute pictures :)


Anonymous said...

Really life changes...
Happy Pink Saturday!!!

Besitos from Argentina!!

Teresa said...

So cute!

Darlene said...

He is too cute! Doesn't it seem as if it were just yesterday??? That is a perfect pink post!!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Diane, That is one pretty baby! But, then I didn't have to tell you that did I? LOL! Love the pictures of Conner's first day of schoool! You are a good "Mimi" to share in the day with him! early in the morning!

Have a good weekend! Hugs, Rhonda :)

Glennis said...

Aw, the pink toes always get me!!

Love the flamingo picture - that's amazing.

Happy Pink Saturday!

Suzie Button said...

Love the pink flamingo, and the dear baby too! Thanks for sharing your pictures!

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Such cute pink pictures. It never ceases to amaze me...time and how fleeting it truly is. My youngest will begin school in September...and my eldest is beginning her second year of pre-med...sigh*. I can remember her first day of school. (bigger sigh*)

Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

What a cutie!

~ Gabriela ~

Cami said...

Sweet baby!


Okay, you win...for the most precious Pink Saturday post ever! :o)

Nihal said...

Smiling Hello, Diane:)

So cute and lovely photos! Baby Connor is the sweetest one:)

May I send my Pink Love to Connor if you do not mind?

* Have a Happy PINK weekend within PINK thoughts *

All of my best,

~N at CrossRoads in Istanbul

nikkicrumpet said...

Now THAT'S the best kind of pink!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like sweet, pink baby cheeks! How we women seek that look! The best kind of pink in the world.

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane! What a little precious boy! Nothing like pink little cheeks and toes. And now the little boy has grown up! My how time flies, doesn't it? Thank you for stopping by to see my pink plate rims.
Be a pink sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

How fun---taking your g.son to the zoo AND seeing those great flamingos! I so enjoyed "the first day of school" post--my g.daughter is 2 and I can't imagine her going to school--EVER! I hope they are still living near by when that happens--I want to go to school on Grandparents Day!!! :-)

Angie said...

Hi Diane!

what adorable pictures! i miss having littles one to take to the zoo!


Tricia said...

My grandaughter was at the Birmingham Zoo on Pink Saturday too. I love your post and Blogg.

cherry said...

Awwww lol.....what a sweetheart. Gollly they do grow fast don't they? Mine will be in 5th grade.. I love all your rug finds...jeese those were some awesome discoveries. cherry

Life on the Edge said...

That's the cutest pink post I've seen all day! What an adorable baby, and how sweet!

Also love the pink flamingo!


kari and kijsa said...

Thank you so much for your wonderful thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. We are comforted by every comment and thankful for the support found in the blogging community. Your words were a blessings to us during these past few weeks.

kari & kijsa

That Crazy Ajumma said...

Aw how cute what a sweet photo!
I LOVE the flamingos!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

oh so cute and gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Diane I am really behind schedule for pink Saturday. Connor is adorable in your new camera photos at the zoo. Where did those five years go? My father once said, when I was running after my five children one day, "you better enjoy those kids Jeanne, because just like that,(he snapped his fingers), they will be grown and gone". He was right. There is nothing so special as a baby's pink toes and fingers.

Love, Jeanne

Mya said...

what a sweet and gorgeous baby. Flamingos are my fav. happy pink

artis1111 said...

HOW CUTE!!! Pinkness to you. Kathy

Anne Fannie said...

Hi Diane, what a precious little pink cutie!
Thanks for sharing!
Love, Ann

Christie said...

ohhhh, such a precious little grandbaby!! Thanks for sharing babies are the best.... they grow so fast too. I know it's hard for you to believe he's starting school. Have a great day! I will be visiting again soon....


Susan Hickam said...

Very sweet pink toes and cheeks. what a little sweetpea!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Connor looks so much like Cooper does in these photos! Those big blue eyes!

Hugs, Pat

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Look at those eyes! Don't you love baby's pink cheeks?

Cute post,