Beverly at How Sweet the Sound is hosting Pink Saturday. Please visit her to meet lots of wonderful bloggers through their pink posts!
Yesterday I went to a luncheon for retired teachers. We had a nurse practitioner speak to us about important 'numbers' in our life. Things like fasting blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and waist measurement to name a few.
I had just gone to the doctor and thought my numbers were pretty good for my age until she started telling us that the desired numbers had recently been lowered. Blood pressure should be no more than 130 for top number, and 85 for bottom, cholesterol should be less than 200, fasting blood sugar no more than 100, and waist measurement for women no more than 32. I am borderline on some of these numbers, and am trying to get them down by exercise and eating healthier!
Do you think some pink might keep me motivated?
How about these cute shoes trimmed in pink?
Here's a whole kit of 'pink' to help you get fit!
And here's a Pilates workout that donates profits to breast cancer research.I've been trying to increase my walking by walking about 3 miles daily, and am going to aerobics and strength training class about 3 times a week.
What about you? What are you doing to get exercise?
The hardest part for me in wanting instant results! And then staying motivated. I always feel great after exercising, but sometimes it is easy to let other things get in the way.
Maybe adding a little 'pink' to my routine will help!
Thanks for coming by, and have a great Pink Saturday!
5 hours ago
Good for you, Diane. I do believe a little pink improves just about everything.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Good job and a little pink helps! My numbers for those items you listed are good. Just got my blood pressure back down. Had to work at it and not eat toooooo many potato chips! Have a great day!!
I don't even want to know what my numbers are...
I dread finding out. As for my excercise goes....chasing after Connor and Cooper. LOL!!
I don't know if your pink post has motivated you but it certainly has inspired me to get my butt back on the treadmill and to exercise. I finally got on the treadmill Monday and Tuesday after months of no treadmill but the rest of this week, zero activity! Thanks for the inspiration!
yes, we all need those good numbers! i am working on that also, doing the wii fit balance board with my own virtual trainer! it's really fun!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Those are the same pink tennis shoes I have!! I have GOT to get myself into gear and do some kind of exercise!!!!!
With all the time I spend at the computer, I have the trimmest, healthiest fingers in town! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday!
I do think that pink exercise equipment will keep you motivated. I know I'd be running, and hopping and stretching all the time if it was mine!
Great pinks! Take care of yourself..we want you around a LONG LONG time!
Happy Pink Saturday!
If all it took was pink to motivate, I'd be out buying all the pink fitness equipment I could find. I'm afraid pink would not be enough motivation for me though! laurie
I will say the pink might make it a bit easier. Good for you trying to lower your numbers and be healthier.
Happy PS
Very pink!
-sandy toe
The hardest part is staying motivated so if pink helps go for it! At least it looks good!
Pink makes anything easier.You know Diane,I was in great shape,still muscled and everything until I hit the ole 55.When I hit that unmagic number,everything went south.baaaaaaaaaa...ann
I didn't know they made a pink tramp! How fun! I've lost 35 lbs. on Jenny Craig and I love doing Wii Fit! I used to walk about 15 miles a weeks but Wii Fit works out ALL of my muscles. The first time I did it, I couldn't walk for 4 days!
Love all the pink! My sneakers look a lot like those. I bought new ones right before the breast cancer walk in October.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Great inspiration! This is on my to do list and needs to get done. Happy Pink Saturday. Nancy
I am ashamed to admit - I do nothing. I just blog. No actually I work in a dental office so for my daily cardio routine I vac the entire office in 10 minutes! By the end of that routine I'm sweating! I bust my a** to get out of there by 6 PM! However, I stymy the Dr's because although I am as wide as I am tall -LOL my numbers are great. Even the glycemic index it great! But once our weather straightens out around here I will walk or bike around our nearby lake. ~ Robyn
Me too...I'm trying to get back to walking at least 4 times a week for a couple of miles. I used to walk 5 miles a day and I went to the gym, but somehow got out of the habit. The key is to spend less time at the computer...I'm convinced that's my downfall! Happy Pink Day!
I need to get motivated somehow..maybe spring and gardening will help me exercise.
Happy Pinks..have a lovely weekend.
I hate to admit but doing my house work really fast so I can play in my home and taking Miss Maddy Cakes for a walk...or should I say stroll down the lane is about it. I think I have been taken prisoner in The Battle of the Bulge!
♥Roberta Anne
I'm rooting for you Diane. Keep up the good work.
Pink always helps.
Love Claudie
Loving all the pink work out stuff!
I get a lot of wrist exercising visiting... leaving comments and blogging! Ok... I know that is not enough... I do run up and down stairs to get a cup of coffee refill... still not enough... I know!
I am getting a treadmill this weekend... that will work, right?
Good for YOU getting healthy!
ENJOY your Pink Saturday!
Pink can make exercise look good any ole day.. thanks for sharing.. Happy Pink Saturday.. hugs ~lynne~
Great job on your exersise routine, Diane...keep on keepin' on! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
I usally hop on the treadmill for 30-45 mins. 5 days a week, and I work out with free weights about 6 days a week. Just always makes me feel so much better when I get up and moving!
Happy Pink Saturday!♥
Thank you for reminding me to put my pink shoes on tomorrow morning and hit the trail for a nice walk, regardless of the nasty weather!
I wanted to thank you for leaving such sweet comments about our home over at Laurie's! It is deeply appreciated! L~
I need to join you in your Pink Fitness. If pink helps, I'm willing to try it!
My daughter and I have been trying to loose alittle weight,I like these pink items,they may give me some insperation.My blood preasure and all that are all good I just went to the doctor last week.The waist part I need to work on.
Almost ALL of my numbers are falling in line with the ones listed!! YEAH!!!
I am watching what I eat and how I make it...and in the past 2 years, I've lost 75#!!!
I love the pink training equipment, how fun would that make exersizing?
I try and drink lots of water and walk too.
Diane, I need to use all of that pink equipment. Every day I'm reminded of how much I need to exercise. At some point, I'm just going to have to break down and do it!
Sheila :-)
I walk every day or so. And I'm out and about in the garden quite a bit of each day. That's an enjoyable excuse for exercise!
This is a great post for Pink Saturday (so much better than everything I'm seeing with Valentine's Day treats)! Your information was very interesting and kudos to you for keeping up with your exercise. I keep saying I will when I get over my little back injury from Christmas but truth be told-I'm over it! Hee-Hee!
Thanks for your inspiration! ;-)
Hi Diane,
thanks for that post. I'm on Weight Watchers and I agree..the hardest part is staying motivated. I'm lucky that I have a good support team going for me!
Hope you had a great Pink Saturday!
Deanna :D
what a great pink post!! and very informative... i agree, walking is the best... doesn't cost anything and we get outside... the snow is still here and waitin, waitin, waitin... still too cold, burrr!!
Diane thanks for giving those #'s out that was very helpful. I always forget what your blood pressure is supposed to be! It is always an up hill battle for me but I am NOT giving up. Get the pink stuff it is cute ;)
Well if you're doing 3 miles a day and strength training too...sounds like you're doing a lot! Or at least it would be a lot for me! I wish I had your drive!
Diane, I woke up this morning feeling so good. I hope and pray it lasts. You are my second visit this AM and I was glad to see I didn't miss any pink here. I have always tried to exercise and mostly that would be walking. Here in the mountains it is more of a challenge and I love the outdoors. My sisters walked with me along with my sweet neighbor and friend Linda. You go girl and I did hear the changes in the measurements etc. and was upset about them. I was always close or within range and now not as close. Darn, I hate that. My numbers are good for the most part and my doctor is happy with me. Now when this knee is well I will be good to go!!!
I didn't mean to go on, but it feels so good to visit you today. I have missed you.
Hi Diane! What am I doing for exercise? Does strengthening my hand by clicking the mouse count? or helping my stomach by pushing the computer chair in and out? OR neck rolls and arm lifts because of stiffness???lol lol I guess blogging has caused my good exercise to disappear but these Pink items and your walking 3miles daily have inspired me to go back to the way I used to be!!!! So I'm going to go put my shoes on and walk for another cup of coffee!!! Have a great week!!!(sorry I've not been by in a while!) Sincerely, Jeannette
Hi Diane
You have been tagged...come by and visit if you dare..*hugs*..
Are you ok?Are you not going to have trash to treasure today?..Ann
I am not doing anything exercise-related, Diane. I haven't been motivated to do anything in ages, shame on me.
But I am working on sloughing off 20 pounds by watching my points (Weight Watchers) and it works if I work it. ;o)
You go girl...I am impressed...I know I should get out and walk but i just can't get started..I feel like I walk 10 miles in this house every day! lol But warmer weather is coming and I will want to be outside....32 inch waist huh?....well just shoot me now! lol lol Have a great Thursday!
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