Sunday, November 16, 2008

Book Tag and Awards

Dawn at Dawn's Daybreak has tagged me to do a book tag listing 7 unimportant book facts about myself.

Here they are:
1. One of my favorite kid's Christmas books is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."

2. I'm currently reading "Because of Winn Dixie" to my first grade students.

3. Through the years, I've read "Charlotte's Web" more times than I care to count-but still love it!

4. Currently I'm reading "Twlight." I just had to see what all the fuss is about!

5. I love reading a book and then seeing the movie.

6. I enjoy books by Jodi Picoult.

7. I have LOTS of unread books here at my house!

I would like to pass this book tag on to:

Janie at Southern Lagniappe
Kelli at Sassy Southern Mom
Vikki at Magnolia Memories
Dot at Picket's Place
Debra at the Bunnies Bungalow
Angel at Keeping up with John and Angel
Pat at Mille Fiori Favoriti

I have been a terrible blogging friend lately and have some awards that I haven't acknowledged.

The first is from Tardevil at Confessions of a 40 Something Mama Queen.

Next is the Marie Antoniette award from Pat at Mille Fiori Favoritii

And finally from Beth at Aunties with Advice!
Thanks ladies SO much-each and every one of them is so appreciated!

If you haven't visited these blogs, please click on the link and stop by. They are all wonderful blogging friends!

I hope when I finish working this semester that I'll be more prompt in acknowledging awards and be able to pass some on too!


Anonymous said...

Those are very nice awards, Congrats.


Southern Lady said...

Diane, I enjoyed reading your "Book Facts," and look forward to participating in your tag.

I'm going out of town today, so it may be later in the week before I can respond.

Thank you for including me in the tag.



Bo said...

Hi Diane..congratulations on your awards. You are a very busy lady!
;-) Bo

Dawn said...

Congratulations on your awards. :)

I liked reading your list. Charlotte's Web is the first chapter book I remember my mother reading to me. I love that book. It's one of my favorite children's stories.

I also want to read the Twilight books. I've asked my daughter to get it for me for Christmas :)

take care,

SmilingSally said...

I enjoyed the tag; I love finding out more about my friends. I'm sluggish with accepting awards too so don't feel too guilty.

Darlene said...

Fun book facts. I hope you LOVE the Twilight series...gosh I did!! Congratulations on your awards!

Nola said...

I love finding out the trivial things about my fellow bloggers! I'm with you, I like to read the book then see the movie; and often times I like the book better!

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane
Congratulations on all your awards! You deserve them..I enjoy reading your blog.
Diane, I was reading your comment to Joy about having hardly any snow...ummm...would it be ok if we arranged for you to have a day of it a week? would accept that from your blogging friends?
You know its nice but then its not. It sure ruins plans!!

I liked reading your Tag. It has given me some insight to another book I may have to track down to read too.

HOpe you are having a great Sunday.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Diane!
Fun tag! I'm sure you are an expert on books for beggining readers, and I'll be asking for your advice for what to buy for my grandson down the road :-)

I'll be happy to do the tag in a few days, as I am participating in a "Grape Escape" round robin on my blog tomorrow -- the info is on my sidebar.
I'll let you know when I do the tag--thanks!:-)
Hugs, Pat

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane, I have been shopping with my sister all afternoon. We didn't get home until after dark. I'm tired but it was fun. I didn't buy one thing. Tuesday I am posting your Trash to Treasure. smile!

I loved reading your book tag. I have been tagged too. I will post it in a couple of days.

Congrats on your awards. Your post is always fun, informative and entertaining. You deserve the awards.

Hope you had a great day.


Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

Congratulations on your awards. You're going to need to build a new room to hold them all in. :-)

Charlotte's Web...changed my life. I read it when I was young (nine or ten, maybe?) and never ate meat again. To this day! Can you imagine?!

Beth at Aunties said...

Books are such great friends!
I just finished the Twilight series... also, "Just to see what the all the fuss was about!" I never thought I would spend money on series of books about vampires and werewolfs:) It is nice to know what your kids, nieces and most of everyone around you are reading about!
Also thanks for your kind words.

The Quintessential Magpie said...


Way to go with your awards, and they are much deserved! :-)

I saw that Laura said she loves CHARLOTTE'S WEB, and I do, too. Such a lovely story. Another children's book I love it THE VELVETEEN RABBIT and another is THE GIVING TREE. I'm sorry about the shouting (in caps), but I don't know how to underline on blogger.

