Monday, November 10, 2008

Victoria Blue Salvia

Blue Monday is hosted by Smiling Sally. Please visit her blog for lots of Blue Monday posts!

Pictured below is Victoria Blue Salvia, a new addition to my garden this year. Amazingly, it is one of the few plants in my garden that has continued to bloom throughout the fall.

According to Garden Guide.Com it is a tender perennial. I hope with enough pine straw mulch, mine will come back next year. Don't you love stuff that comes back each year?

Here's some blue (looks more purple in the picture) and red salvia at the Magic Kingdom in Orlando. I need to know their gardening secrets! Maybe time and money???

Don't forget Trash to Treasure tomorrow! You can post anything that has become a treasure to you that someone else didn't want! It doesn't literally have to be from the trash!

Thanks for stopping by!


Picket said...

Morning the Blue Salvia...I have one called Midnight something and it is so thick and gorgeous in the spring and summer....Hope you have a great day sweetie!

Darlene said...

Morning Diane,

That blue salvia is beautiful...I have always just seen it in the red. Hope you have a great Monday!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Diane, your salvia is lovely and so is Disneys. MONEY!!! LOL. I am posting with a T to T tomorrow.

I don't plant much that isn't perennial. It is just so much work to replant anything. This clay we have is so hard unless it is wet. Thing do seem to thrive in it though.

Have a great day at school.


Dawn said...

I love your new header!!!!

My favorite kind of plants are the ones that just come back on their own. It makes things so much easier LOL!

take care,

Shell in your Pocket said...

Great pictures! Those flowers are just wonderful!
-sandy toes

SmilingSally said...

I enjoy blue flowers; I suppose because they are so rare. My cousin wrote me once to tell me that she bought red salvia from her nursery, and the tag called it Red Hot Sally! Happy Blue Monday!

Jules from "The Roost" said...

Blue Salvia is one of my favorite perennials! Beautiful picture of it!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Diane, I thought I had wandered onto the wrong blog, but then I recgonized those cutie patooties in the picture above! Cute new banner, and those darlings are definitely some major blessings!

Blue salvia is so pretty. Love it.

Happy "Blue" Monday!

Sheila :-)

Knitty said...

I am so happy to see your photo of blue Salvia. I need to show that to hubby so he can see what I want to add next spring.

nikkicrumpet said...

I love salvia...I have several types..some perrenial and some annuals...they are just so pretty. And speaking of pretty....I LOVE YOUR NEW HEADER! It looks awesome

Nola said...

Oh Diane, I love the blue salvia. It's hard to find really bright blue flowers. Salvia's have always been a favorite of mine, they are easy for me to grow, and I've never lost one to the winter cold yet!

Vylat said...

Hello to another gardener. Very nice plants the salvia. Have you tried Borage? It's a blue flowering herb. I think it's perennial too. Bees just love it and it blooms all summer. Happy Blue Monday.

Christie said...

Hey Diane!
The blue salvia is gorgeous!
I have never had any of that. Hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Salvia! What fun to have it blooming year after year!

Sweetie said...

First - I love your banner. The Salvia are lovely. Happy Blue Monday.

Anonymous said...

The salvia is beautiful. you take fantastic photos..Happy Blue Monday and have a great week. :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love that blue salvia Diane, and it is nice to have perinnials that will come back on their own.

I'm doinga Veteran's day post tomorrow, so I can't be part of T to T this week --hopefully next week I can come up with something.

Hugs, Pat

Missy Wertz said...

Yep, I think Mickey's secret is time and money. ;-) Happy Blue Monday!

Southern Lady said...

Love your new header, Diane. It just doesn't get any better than that!

Your salvia is pretty. I'm getting ready to cut my lantanas back. They're huge and I hope they survive the winter, too.

Lorrie said...

Hi Diane, Blue salvia are my favorite ones. We had a hard frost last night and lots of my annuals bit the dust!


Diane ~ I really like salvia, and yours is so pretty. And I love your new banner!

Bo said...

Hi Diane...we did a mix of the blue & red salvia this year and it didn't do as well as I had hoped...I think the Texas heat just did a number on it...This week I'm doing a Tablescape & next week I'll probably do T to T... rotate back & forth on Tuesdays. I'll be by tomorrow to check out everyone's goodies for sure!
;-) Bo

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Hi Diane, love your blue Salvia I have some and it comes back every year,,now your header is really pretty giril..thanks for the Blue Monday and for coming by for PINK Saturday...hugs and smiles Gloria

Coloradolady said...

Oh, the gardens you are showing today are lovely. Your blog is so charming. I really enjoyed my visit.

Anonymous said...

Loved the photos of the blue flowers, but more than that I loved your banner, that's priceless.


Gone said...

Wonderful pictures, Diane.

I love your new header, too!


Anonymous said...

Pretty Blue Monday post, Diane!

I have to tell you...I love the photos of your g'kids, in the header! Beautiful!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Diane, I love the blue salvia. I have a hardy blue/purple perennial called, May Night. It's awesome. It never fails to come back even in zone 4.

joyh82 said...

What cute pictures on your blog banner! And I love those flowers in your post also.